Feature Submissions

These are the Dome IQ features that are either planned or under consideration.

  1. Free Version for the Public

    The free public tier would be a simpler version of Dome IQ designed for the public as an easy way to follow their local legislators, advocates, keep up with issues they care about and submit their feedback on proposed legislation.

    Connor Irwin
    #New Feature


  2. Make All 50 States Available

    Users would be able to access legislative data from all 50 states.

    Connor Irwin
    #New Feature


  3. Tag Bills With Keywords & Assign to Team Members

    Tag bills with keywords or assign them to team members for easier organization, searching.

    Connor Irwin
    #New Feature


  4. Generate Shareable Bill Reports

    Select the bills you would like to include in the report. Then select the types of information you would like included. Easily share it with your colleagues.

    Connor Irwin
    #New Feature
